Allotment garden house Pötzleinsdorf

Single-family house in solid wood construction.

New construction of an allotment garden house in low-energy solid timber construction.

The design was based on the client's desire for a house in an allotment garden in Pötzleinsdorf for herself and her children that could be lived in all year round. An optimised and compact building was developed under the specification of low construction costs. The building configuration was based on maximising the usable space, minimising the development areas and service routes and ensuring a high degree of flexibility and quality of use. The requirements for the building were precisely analysed and reduced to their essence. The result is a spacious and open building despite the limited resources. A high level of spatial quality is achieved by incorporating the outside space and the precise positioning of openings.

Auftraggeber: privat
Leistung: Architektenleistungen
Zeitraum: 2019
Status: fertiggestellt