Symbios Architektur is Philipp Broinger and Herwig Ferch together with a highly qualified team. Every project, whether large or small, is realised by us with particular care, because people and mutual appreciation are at the centre of our work. Sustainability in terms of ecology and economy, as well as structure and form, determine our planning.
With a team full of experts and creative minds, we offer comprehensive expertise and a wide range of practical experience in the planning and realisation of projects and construction projects of various sizes and with a wide variety of requirements and functions, both in the area of new buildings and conversions and extensions. These include residential and office buildings, development, usability and building mass studies, urban planning studies, utilisation studies, detached houses, flat conversions, loft conversions, renovations and conversions of existing buildings, participation in property developer competitions, invited and open competitions. More and more property developers, companies and private individuals are entrusting us with their projects - because we offer convincing solutions.

Architect Dipl.-Ing.
Philipp Broinger
State authorised and sworn civil engineer
1979 born in Vienna | 1995 - 2003 internship with architect Gerhard Steffel, Vienna | 1998 - 2005 diploma studies in architecture at the Vienna University of Technology and at the Politecnico di Milano / Prima Facoltà d'Architettura, Milan, Italy | 2005 diploma with honours | 2006 - 2015 collaboration with architects Tillner & Willinger ZT GmbH, Vienna, as project manager and planner | 2007 exhibition Archdiploma 2007, Kunsthalle Wien Karlsplatz | 2008 - 2015 Guest Critic Studio Städtebau, TU Vienna, Institute for Urban Planning, Landscape Architecture and Design | 2015 State-authorised and sworn civil engineer, upright authorisation for architecture | 2016 CEO of Symbios Architektur ZT GmbH (sole authorised representative) | ongoing training activities | since 2022 City of Ubuntu (Deputy Chairman). )

Architect Dipl.-Ing.
Herwig Ferch
State authorised and sworn civil engineer
1969 born in Graz | 1993 - 2003 Diploma studies in architecture at Graz University of Technology and at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Granada, Spain | 2003 Short film ‘Retimer’, Diagonale 2003, Graz | 2004 - 2005 Collaboration with architect DI Rudolf Rollwagen, Vienna, as planner | 2005 Academic construction expert in solar architecture, Danube University Krems | 2005 - 2007 Collaboration with Architektur&Generalplanung International Architekt Brunner ZT GmbH, Vienna, Internal project management | 2007 - 2010 Collaboration at Architekten Tillner & Willinger ZT GmbH, Vienna, as project manager and planner | 2009 civil engineer exam | 2011 Construction project management course, ArchIng-Akademie, Vienna | 2011 - 2012 Collaboration at Abendroth Architekten, Vienna, as project manager | 2012 State-authorised and sworn civil engineer, upright authorisation for architecture | 2016 CEO of Symbios Architektur ZT GmbH (sole authorised representative) | ongoing training activities | since 2022 City of Ubuntu (Deputy Treasurer). )

Dominik Bauer*, Madeleine von Beckerath, Philipp Broinger*, Ozan Dağli, Svetlana Dionissieva, Herwig Ferch*, Vera Fischer, Javier García Fernández*, Lena Marie Gronau, Jenny Huynh-Minh*, Elisa Keco, Meike Lenfers, Robert Leuschner, Narin Mustafa, Maria Myskiw, Manuela Pfleger, Max Sandner, Alexander Uxa (* Team 2023)
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